A Word From AHHA’s Cofounder and President Nezzie Wade
Hello AHHA Supporters and all of our valued community members out there! Just checking in with everybody and trying to catch you up with AHHA. It feels like such a long time since our last newsletter and eons since we’ve been able to meet face to face. I really miss everybody. I know you miss AHHA too. We hear all the time how much people would love to have meetings again. Every time we begin actions to open up our meeting spaces for the general assemblies or community conversations, Covid figures surge again, and we decline. Just know it has been really hard not being able to have face to face meetings. It’s very hard to lose those experiences to COVID. We want to offer our condolences and positive energy to folks who have lost so much more during the Covid -19 pandemic. I hope everyone is staying safe, healthy and enjoying some of the good weather we have had here in Humboldt. In this edition you will meet our new driver Al Upton. He is a long time resident who has a rich background to share. We are delighted to have him on the AHHA team. We also welcome Frankie Rose back to the AHHA team. They are acting as our Operations Assistant part-time as well as helping with grant writing. AHHA has remained engaged with policy development for affordable housing alternatives. Our advocacy has continued to have an impact and on June 7th the Board of Supervisors passed new ordinances allowing for Safe Parking-Safe Sheltering and extending the Shelter Crisis Declaration. We have hope this year will bring some new opportunities for people to experience daily living without threat of displacement. The ordinance allows up to ten pilot projects. Implementing some of these options could support many unhoused neighbors in our community by providing overnight only or 24/7 opportunities to be in place. Check out the info below on Safe Parking-Safe Sheltering as many parties may now have an opportunity to do a project. Think about it. Go to the county website, read the frequently asked questions on Safe Parking and Safe Sheltering. Give us a call. We’d love to chat with anybody about possibilities. Being able to create these non traditional housing opportunities would give people various pathways to connect to community, or simply have a place where they can be quiet, free of harassment, to heal and just be. Sometimes I feel as tired as the people I often see on the street. Think about how long we have been struggling with the issues of not having sufficient shelter and affordable housing for people in our community. Keep your ears open for news about a Tiny House Village ordinance in the works. Safe, Warm Dry First!!! Connect with AHHA in September Please come visit AHHA at the North Country Fair on Arcata Plaza September 17&18, 10a.m. to 6p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Block Party and BBQ September 28, 10a.m.-2p.m. in front of Free Meal at 35 W Third St. in Eureka. Consider becoming a volunteer, board member, or committee member.Call for more information 707-298-1466 or 707-267-4035
Al joins us as a new Care-A-Van driver. He brings loads of experience from a long and lustrous professional history in the Redwood Empire and beyond. He has served the community in many ways and shares in AHHA’s vision that everyone has a right to a decent quality of life
Al is seen at the Carlson Park Drive site in Arcata, enjoying some delicious home baked bread
HACHR has helped us continue to do what we do in supporting folks outside and meeting them where they are.
HACHR has donated a shipment of hygiene products and Care-A-Van supplies totalling $4,500.
We rely on community support and we are grateful to HACHR for sharing their bounty.
North Arcata - Carlson Park Drive Volunteers 8/6/2022A lot of hard work goes into making a shower service happen. We would like to take a moment to highlight some of our wonderful volunteers at one of AHHA’s eleven service locations.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Deborah, Kitty, and Linda in front of the clothing station, ready to serve Care-A-Van guests
Left to Right: Al, Hannah, and Eli work diligently as shower monitors. This includes greeting guests, sanatizing, scrubbing, and stocking.
Hannah displays perfect form while using disinfectant between each shower
Eli displaying some of that delicous home made bread Al was captured munching on.
SAFE PARKING – SAFE SHELTERPILOT PROGRAMIf you are a government agency, non-profit, or religious organization, or if you can partner with one, AND If you have a parcel of developable land that is: - Not in the Coastal Zone - Zoned C-1, C-2, C-3, ML, R-3, MU-1 or MU-2, or zoned AG and within 1 mile of services needed for living* You may be able to host a Safe Parking or Safe Shelter Pilot Site. *Parcels that are the site of a church in other zones may be eligible with a Use Permit, except that TPZ and prime agricultural lands are not eligible. PROVIDERS MUST BE ABLE TO: - Develop a management plan (three types are provided) - Provide basic services for participants like toilets and hand-washing, access to showers, trash collection, security, and on-site staffing during open hours - Do basic record-keeping and reporting - Organize intake, exit, and written agreements with participants. For more detailed information see the County’s Safe Parking-Safe Shelter web page via the link below
St. Joseph Pantry Shelf 2292 Newburg Rd, Fortuna (707) 725-1148 Hours: Monday and Friday 10 am - 12 noon
FOOD NOT BOMBS Eureka: Free hot vegan meals every Sunday. 3:00 at 3rd & E in Eureka.
Free vegan meals for all people every Sunday at 4 in the Plaza. Usually other days by announcement also!
Food Not Bombs is held every Sunday. We cook at 1pm (message for location as it changes regularly) and serve food/eat on the plaza at 4pm. We are always looking for people to help us cook so send a message or text 949-922-5881 if you're interested.
Little Free Pantry Locations Brought to you by Cooperation Humboldt, Pantry Stewards, and Generous Community DonorsEureka3318 Harrison Ave, Eureka, CA 95503 / 1522 3rd St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 2433 Fairfield St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 840 E St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 1522 3rd St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 3291 18th St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 3515 Highland Pl, Eureka, CA 95503 / Hodgson St & H St, Eureka, CA 95503 / 6018 Walnut Dr, Eureka, CA 95503 / 4050 D St, Eureka, CA 95503 / 3438 Middlefield Ln, Eureka, CA 95501 / 406 14th St, Eureka, CA 95501 / 1428 McFarlan St, Eureka, CA 95501 Bayside 24 Fellowship Way, Bayside, CA 95524 / 4163 Jacoby Creek Rd, Bayside, CA 95524 / 2297 Jacoby Creek Rd, Bayside, CA 95524 Arcata1788 Charles Ave, Arcata, CA 95521 / 1139 Buttermilk Ln, Arcata, CA 95521 / 1661 Peninsula Dr, Arcata, CA 95521 1321 Grant Ave, Arcata, CA 95521 / 1890 Haeger Ave, Arcata, CA 95521 McKinleyville1944 Central Ave, McKinleyville, CA 95519 / 1165 Perini Rd, McKinleyville, CA 95519 Fortuna1637 Ronald Ave, Fortuna, CA 95540